ENVIRONMENT: A cutting-edge company leading in Cloud Solutions is actively seeking candidates with strong technical expertise and exceptional interpersonal skills for the role of Technical Specialist. The ideal candidates should possess the ability to design technical solutions, troubleshoot technical issues, offer prompt customer feedback, and contribute to the implementation of new solutions, among other responsibilities. In addition to technical proficiency, Technical Specialists are expected to engage directly with customers, both verbally and in writing, necessitating excellent communication skills. A Technical Qualification or its equivalent, or active pursuit of one, is considered beneficial. Essential requirements for this role include a minimum of 6 years of experience in 1st and 2nd Line Support as well as Customer Service. DUTIES: Architect, Design and Deploy solutions. Maintain Future Road Map solution upgrades. Solution Pricing and Quotes. Tender bid response formulation. Detailed client systems & solutions training. Business process and systems analytics. Work with Projects department to ensure project plans for accurate delivery on time and within budget. Pilot/POC of solutions sets within customer ring fenced environment. Presentations of product and service offerings. Demoing of products and service offerings. All administration relevant to the job function. Adherence to all company policies and procedures. Working with various teams to ensure solutions are successfully scoped. Install hardware, systems, and software. Administer servers and server clusters. Manage all system back-up and restore procedures. Perform troubleshooting analysis to resolve any infrastructure issues. Documents problems and resolution for future reference. Monitors system performance and implements performance tuning. Network engineer: Install, configure, maintain network services, equipment and devices. REQUIREMENTS: Technical Qualification or its equivalent; or in pursuit of one (beneficial)Over 6 years in 1st & 2nd Line Support and Customer Service (essential)Minimum 5 years in Vo IP and IP Telephony technologies like SIP, DNS, RTP, IP-PBX, etc. (essential)Proficiency in WAN/LAN/system monitoring tools like Zabbix (essential)Solid networking and diagnostic abilities (essential)Comprehensive knowledge in: Networking Linux Administration Asterisk, Queuemetrics Vicidial XCally CRM Integrations My SQL/My SQL/Postgre SQLGrafana Cloud Technologies (AWS/Google)API comprehension Network design and configuration Python Javascript Customer Journey Mapping Vo IP products Troubleshooting Drivers licence and own reliable transport essential ATTRIBUTES: Analytical Lifelong learner / self-study Excellent communication skills Team Player Consultant Coach Process Champion Customer Champion Risk Mitigator Knowledge manager Relationship builder Strategiser
Technical Specialist
300,000 R
Technical Specialist
South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town,
Modified October 31, 2024
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300,000 R / Per annum
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Datafin is een bank en verzekeringskantoor gelegen in het centrum van Zottegem.
Bij Datafin is sparen en beleggen een persoonlijke aangelegenheid, daarom geven wij u een persoonlijk advies op maat en op basis van uw noden en behoeften. Wij begrijpen dat niet iedereen hetzelfde profiel heeft en dat niet iedereen dezelfde ervaringen deelt. Daarom praten wij graag eerst met u over uw persoonlijke financiële situatie, ervaringen en uw verwachtingen.
“Een goede adviesrelatie begint met het leren kennen van elkaar en wij nemen daar graag de tijd voor”.